Hi, I’m Elisabeth
Creator of Wolle’s Yarn
I learned to knit when I was 12, proudly joining the knitting ranks of my mother and grandmother. I have fond memories of holidays and family gatherings when we would all knit together.
Nowadays I am either knitting or creating new yarns for the shop. I really like playing with colors and trying out new colorways, which of course leads to more knitting.
I live in the woods of Virginia, overlooking cattle pastures and the raccoons, possums, squirrels and cats who arrive obediently each evening to be fed outside my kitchen door. Inside the house, boxes of yarn share my living space with mountains of multi-colored scarves and shawls and a comfortable stove that keeps me warm.
“I created the original gradients: color-changing yarn for knitting beautiful scarves and shawls in emerging shades and gradient colors.”
When I’m not knitting, you will find me dancing: waltzing is a passion, contra dance is a work-out, Scottish Country Dancing is an art form. And, of course, I love swimming. Give me a pool or an ocean and I am happy.
I live at the center of a friendship network of designers, knitters and crocheters whose works adorn my show booths. In places like Maryland Sheep & Wool and SAFF, our presentations of unique color combinations and amazing knittery are a star attraction. I created the original gradients: color-changing yarn for knitting beautiful scarves and shawls in emerging shades and gradient colors.
Wolle’s Yarn specializes in cotton because it is soft, resilient and great for knitting and crochet. Recently I have combined cotton with silk, merino, or bamboo to produce exciting, innovative new yarns. From the beginning in August 2009, my goal has been to create beautiful, creative, and unique color combinations to bring pleasure and enjoyment to all our knitting & crochet endeavors.